标题:Python3 os 模块 Fpathconf 方法

Python3 os 模块 Fpathconf 方法

import os, sys

# Open a file
fd = os.open( "foo.txt", os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREAT )

print ("%s" % os.pathconf_names)

# Now get maximum number of links to the file.
no = os.fpathconf(fd, 'PC_LINK_MAX')
print ("Maximum number of links to the file. :%d" % no)

# Now get maximum length of a filename
no = os.fpathconf(fd, 'PC_NAME_MAX')
print ("Maximum length of a filename :%d" % no)

# Close opened file
os.close( fd)

print ("Closed the file successfully!!")

